About me

Research interests

Me, Cayden

I'm a current master's student in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. I'm being co-advised by Dr. Marijn J. H. Heule and Dr. Jeremy Avigad. Our work focuses on the verification of encoding methods of mathematical problems into propositional logic.

I'm still learning all what is out there in computer science research. Right now, my research interests are in developing methods that allow us to more effectively encode and solve problems in propositional logic. SAT solvers are tools that allow us to compute solutions for such problems.

My resume can be found here.

Other projects

In addition to my interests as a computer science researcher, I also dabble in web and app development. I maintain my brother's University of Washington at Saint Louis club website (active during the school year). I am actively developing an interactive database application for wines, soon to be available on iOS devices.

Outside of work, I enjoy science fiction literature, puzzle and visual novel video games, and chess (chess.com: 314ctech, lichess.org: crcodel).